Sunday 26 April 2015

President Lungu praises the SDA

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has commended the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church for the effort the institution is making in uplifting the standards of the citizenry.

President Lungu said government appreciates the noble deeds the church is rendering to the Zambia people and appealed to other Christian denominations to emulate the works of the SDA church.

Mr Lungu said this yesterday when he graced the one million membership celebrations of the SDA Church in Zambia at the heroes’ stadium.

President Lungu said he was fully aware that the SDA church has partnered with government in various sectors in a bid to enhance national development.

He cited education and health as some of the areas that the church is working with the state closely in providing services to the community.

The Head of State stressed that the establishment of schools and health institutions is a step in the right direction adding that government is proud of the contribution the church is making in supplementing government efforts.

Mr Lungu said education is key in helping people escape the strong grip of poverty and in eradicating ignorance.

On health, President Lungu said the Ministry of Health stands ready to work with the church in delivering quality health care services to the community.

Mr Lungu pointed out that there is need to harmonise the efforts of the private sector and government so as to achieve the goals of bettering the living standards of the people.

He said the running of schools and health institution by the SDA church has greatly helped in aiding government in providing improved services to the citizenry.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

KK in hospital for check up

FIRST republican president Kenneth Kaunda has been admitted at Lusaka Trust Hospital for a routine medical check-up.
Senior Executive Officer in the Office of the First President Cheswa Silwizya confirmed in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today.
Ms. Cheswa said Dr. Kaunda’s was admitted yesterday.
She assured the nation that Dr. Kaunda’s hospitalization is purely precautionary because of his age and that the family wants him to remain in good health.
“Dr. Kaunda will be turning 91 years old on Tuesday April 28, 2015 and the doctors and family want to ensure that he remains in good health. The Office of the First President and the family wish to assure the nation that Dr. Kaunda’s hospitalisation is purely precautionary given his age,” Ms. Cheswa said.

Monday 20 April 2015

Penis size doesn't matter unless it's really small or really big

By Dr Derek Mubanga Kalilamunkweto
I have seen so many threads about penis size and it made me want to chime in with my opinion. I know this isn't exactly a question, but feel free to agree or disagree.
Most of these threads start with the guy being insecure. This is followed up with the response "penis size doesn't matter unless it's really small or really big with average being the best unless the girl is a size queen." Then the guy says "but according to porn/pop-culture all girls love a big dick" Then everyone says "Don't compare yourself to porn and anyway, most girls aren't into huge cocks."
However, this never ends the conversation. And here is my opinion on why. Guys aren't dumb. They know that a slightly larger penis feels different than a slightly smaller penis. So when people say it doesn't matter it makes the guys doubt them. I'm just one girl, but I'm willing to bet that a lot of other girls agree with me when I say that it matters, just not very much.
Guys, when you're having sex how important is the tightness of your partner? Of course you can feel the difference, and generally tighter feels better, but how does that compare to other things. Like how into it your partner is, how attracted you are to her body, how you feel about her emotionally. Same with me. Yeah, size makes a difference but as long as it's long enough so we can do the positions I like, wide enough to feel, but not so big that it hurts I don't really if it's a little bigger or smaller.
Now I've been with lots of guys. I am a sexy-positive, kinky, poly girl. I've had sex with over 60 guys. I also have lots of toys so I know what an 8in dick really looks like. To be 100% honest I do have a hard time getting off if the guy is really short (less than 4 inches) or really thin (less than 3 in around). And guys who are bigger than 7 in long or really wide can be fun if I'm in the right mood, but the pain is definitely something that I can't put up with every time I have sex.
Once a guy is in the average range of 4.5 to 6.5 and reasonable width size becomes far less important. But I'd be lying if I said that size doesn't matter. Of course a 4.5in dick feels different than a 6.5 dick.Of course a 4 inches of circumference feels different than 5. My hypothesis is in this range it really comes down to individual preference and you can't generalize and say which size feels best. This is what people mean when they say size doesn't matter as long as it isn't too big or too small.
For me, I like to feel a little stretched but not so much that it hurts or sex requires tons of foreplay. For me that's right about 5 inches circumference. I also like feeling full and being feeling him deep inside me but cervix smashing is no good either. For me that ideal length is about 5.5 to 6 inches. A little shorter means my legs will be up over is shoulders for deeper penetration and a little longer means missionary or me on top.
However, the important thing to remember is that in that normal range, the feeling of a little more stretching or a little less stretching is pretty minor. Think about a girl who is a little bit tighter than another girl. The tightness isn't what makes a difference for the quality of the sex.
Also, I have a bunch of toys. Sometimes I want a huge dildo inside of me. When I'm in control it's easier to take something big. That doesn't mean I wish my partner had a dick that big. And it doesn't make him feel smaller. If I use a big toy I do feel stretched out for about an hour. But then I've noticed that my muscles tighten up making me feel tighter than I would otherwise.
Also, I don't go around comparing one guy to another. Unless I'm going back and forth between guys (which I do sometimes) in one session I might not even notice who is bigger...assuming the average range.
Anyway, I hope my honest comments have helped some people feel a little more relaxed about all of this. Feel free to reply back with questions and I'd love to hear if other ladies feel the same.
Update: This post really took off. I'm a little surprised how much people care about one girl's opinion. That said, due to the massive amounts of misogyny I'm done replying or reading comments. So many guys think that because I have a preference for larger guys it makes me a bad person. Even though that preference is small. Guess what, people can like what ever they want. I have a friend who gets off on huge dicks. Her partner is over 8 inches and smaller doesn't do it for her. But she is allowed to be attracted to whomever she wants. Doesn't make her a bad person.
And you know what, I also like my guys tall, and fit. A visible 6-pack is fun. I prefer blond hair on a guy. A little bit tanned but not someone who spends all day in the sun. A like some body hair but not crazy amounts. I think it's creepy when guys shave their pubes. I'm a human with preferences. I bet you all have preferences too.
There is too much of an attitude of bitterness and blaming women. A woman that knows what she wants is a slut while it's expected that guys will want to see some young naked model with a perfect body.
Girls and guys are similar. I think that hot bodies are hot. Penis size is just one factor of many. And in the end it's how all the factors come together that matters. Just because I have some set of preferences doesn't mean I will be happy with someone who doesn't meet all of them. However, I know I'd never be happy with a bitter misogynist who feels he is owed a woman.
UPDATE 2 Alright, so yesterday I was feeling pretty down about a lot of these responses. I was a little taken back by how accusatory some people were. Even though there were so many honest replies and so much good conversation the bad ones were still bad. However, I decided that walking away just wasn't the right thing to do. I'm going to ignore the intolerant posts but try to reply to the others. Also, I created a new thread with the goal of removing this attitude that women can't have preferences. I want to hear preferences. Honest ones. No more letting the insecure, intolerant people win

Cabinet announces changes to 2015 mining tax regime

LUSAKA (Monday, April 20, 2015) — At its 7th Special Meeting held this morning, Cabinet deliberated on the proposals to revise the 2015 taxation regime for the mining sector. Cabinet approved the following measures:
i.                     Mineral royalty tax rate for open cast mining and underground mining operations will be pegged at 9 percent;
ii.                   Corporate income tax on income earned from mining operations will be 30 percent;
iii.                  Corporate income tax on income earned from mineral processing will be 35 percent;
iv.                 Variable profit tax on income earned from mining operations will be 15 percent when taxable income exceeds 8 percent of the gross sales; and
v.                   Deduction of tax losses carried forward to be limited to 50 percent of taxable profits;
vi.                 Stiffening of penalties for tax offenders; and vii. Zambia Revenue Authority will introduce stringent enforcement mechanisms to effectively monitor mining activities and ensure greater transparency among mining companies when reporting revenue and expenditure.
In order to implement today’s Cabinet decision, Government will undertake all the necessary administrative and legislative measures rapidly. Once the Bill has been approved by Parliament, the effective implementation date will be 1st July 2015 so that there is a logical sequencing in the merging of two tax regimes in one fiscal year. Cabinet has stressed that the approved mining taxation regime will bring about the desired stability, predictability, consistency and transparency in the mining sector. Government is planning to link mining taxation to the Medium Term Expenditure Framework to ensure greater stability and predictability in the sector.


While on the campaign trail in Mpulungu recently, President Edgar Lungu said that he had no problem with borrowing money to bring development to the people both in rural and urban areas of Zambia. What President Lungu has failed to understand is that if Government manages the economy properly then Zambia does not need to borrow vast sums of money and make large interest payments yearly in order to fund such projects. Furthermore, the current administration has failed to appreciate that if they continue borrowing at the current rate they risk sending the country into a state of economic turmoil.
Unlike sensible governments that prioritise domestic resource mobilisation, the PF has been on a borrowing spree since coming to power in 2011. In 3 years the PF has accumulated the same level of debt that was collected in the previous 27 years. On a recent visit to Zambia the IMF indicated their concern that the Government is unable to generate enough revenue to meet its regular development expenditure. Yet the President has clearly signaled that they will continue their trend. The recent revelations that Government wishes to issue another bond to finance the current debt is grossly worrying, particularly given the limited transparency with which such funds are then spent.
Any government that meets its expenditure by excessively relying on borrowing is guilty of economic mismanagement, and the PF is no exception.
What the PF Government has been telling us:
·      Increased borrowing will raise financing for development;
·      At 32 percent of GDP (US$ 7.9 billion), Zambia’s public debt remains sustainable.
What they are NOT telling us:
·      Government has resorted to excessive borrowing due to fiscal indiscipline. The high level of corruption and lack of transparency in the procurement of road projects and other unplanned infrastructure projects has bloated Government’s expenditure. The failure to broaden the tax base, the under-collection of corporate income taxes, especially from the mines, and the underperformance of domestic VAT have all resulted in lower revenues. Therefore, Government continues to spend more money than it can generate, leading to a high fiscal deficit. The fiscal deficit which was just 1.8 percent of GDP in 2011 peaked at  6.7 percent of GDP by 2013, and 5.2 percent in 2014. To finance the deficit, Government has resorted to heavy borrowing.

No Zambian attacked in xenophobia wave - Embassy

THE Zambian High Commission to South Africa has maintained that no Zambian has been brutally murdered in the on-going xenophobic attacks that erupted a fortnight ago in that country.
And Zambians living in South Africa have praised government for being proactive and showing concern for its citizens during the xenophobic attacks against foreign nationals.
In a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka by First Secretary for Press Nicky Shabolyo, the Zambian High Commission has established that no Zambian has been caught up in the attacks and killings.
Mr Shabolyo said the High Commission was made aware during meetings in Durban between Zambians resident in the city and embassy officials that no Zambian in Durban or other parts of South Africa that had been either injured or burnt to death in the xenophobic attacks.
The Mission officials told Zambians in Durban that President Edgar Lungu was concerned with their safety and has taken a personal interest in the matter and is constantly in touch with the High Commission.
And Vice President of Tiyende Pamodzi Zambia Association Mulenga Chilufya said the members were impressed with government’s timely intervention to send its officials to Durban to assess the situation.
“It is indeed gratifying that officials from the High Commission have been brave enough to come to Durban to check on us even with these reports of violence. We are indeed grateful to our government,” said Chilufya.
Tiyende Pamodzi Zambia Association is an organisation of Zambians living in Durban and looks after the interests of Zambians living in that city and other parts of South Africa.
Mr Shabolyo further said that the Zambian mission established that no Zambian is in a situation that would warrant evacuation by government following the attacks on foreign nationals.
He said a check at temporary camps where foreigners who have fled the violence are being kept by South African authorities revealed that there were no Zambians who have gone there to seek refuge.
The delegation from the mission comprised Zambia’s Deputy High Commissioner to South Africa, Joe Kaunda, First Secretary for Political Affairs, Josephat Sakala, First Secretary for Immigration, Joyce Chimalilo and First Secretary for Press & Public Relations, Mr. Nicky Shabolyo.   

Thursday 16 April 2015

Brazilian company plans to set up military gear plant in Zambia

 DISCUSSIONS are underway between the Zambian government and Shacman, a renowned Brazilian firm to set up a military equipment assembling plant in the country.
 Deputy Minister of Defence Christopher Mulenga disclosed that the Brazilian firm has requested to come to Zambia in June this year to further explore possibilities of putting up a plant.
 Mr. Mulenga said this after a meeting with Shacman Chief Executive Officer Reinaldo Reis Vieira and his delegation in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil yesterday.
 The meeting was facilitated by Zambia’s Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil, Cynthia Jangulo.
 Mr. Mulenga is in Brazil where he is attending the tenth Latin American Agribusiness Development Corporation (LAAD) exhibition on defence and security.
 This is according to a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by First Secretary for Press at the Zambian Embassy in Brazil, Patson Chilemba.
 He explained that the plant will be assembling the troop carrier and other vehicles related to transportation in the defence and security wings.
 Mr. Mulenga said the development has come at the right time when Zambia is facing a challenge of troop carrier vehicles.
 And Mr. Mulenga said Shacman considered it appropriate to invest in Zambia because of her political stability and security.
 He said Zambia will also act as a supplier of the military equipment to the rest of the region.
 He said the company was quite advanced as it supplied most of its goods to several countries across the globe, including the United States of America (USA), Britain, Saudi Arabia, with African interests in Ghana, Namibia and many other countries.
 Mr. Mulenga also held various bilateral meetings with other companies that expressed hope to invest in Zambia, including Embraer, which manufactures commercial, military and cargo planes.

National soccer teams disappoint government

GOVERNMENT is disappointed with the performance of various national soccer teams.
Minister of Youth and Sport Vincent Mwale said in an interview with journalists at his office in Lusaka yesterday that the nosedive is worrying.
Mwale said Government has put logistics in place to ensure that soccer standards thrive.
“I do not know what the problem is but I think the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) would know better because we have created a conducive environment for sports,” he said.
Mwale said it is unfortunate that the country ,which is a footballing nation, is not performing to expectation at the international level.
On Sunday, the under-23 lost 1-2 to Nigeria in the 2015 Congo Brazzaville All-Africa Games qualifier in Lusaka while the national women’s team failed to qualify for the Brazzaville finals after going down 6-5 on aggregate to Tanzania.
The Chipolopolo, under-20 and under-17 teams were eliminated in the group stages at the 2015 Equatorial Guinea Africa Cup of Nations, Senegal Africa Youth and Niger Africa Junior Championships, respectively.
And Mwale said his ministry has received a budget from FAZ over the engagement of the national team coach.
“The amount is substantial and as a ministry we do not run the treasury.  So we have to make wide consultations before any decision can be made,” he said.
Mwale said Government does not want the Dario Bonetti saga to repeat itself.
Last month, Government released US$421, 670 as compensation for former national team coach Bonetti.
Bonetti was dismissed on October 10, 2011, two days after guiding the Chipolopolo to the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations finals, where Zambia triumphed.
He took the matter to FIFA, who ruled that he must be paid his dues. Zambia Daily Mail

ZP traffic section remains intact

                                                                                                                                                                  HOME Affairs deputy minister Colonel   Panji Kaunda has said government has no plans of disbanding the Zambia Police Service traffic section.
Colonel Kaunda said the Zambia  Police traffic section is an important department and that it will continue operating its national duties as prescribed by the law.
The Deputy Minister revealed the development to the Zambia News and Information Services(ZANIS) in an interview in Lusaka today.
Col. Kaunda said the Zambia Police Service traffic section will continue working tirelessly  and closely with the Road Transport and Safety Agency(RTSA) in regulating the road sector in the nation.
He said what was needed is for the traffic section to re-organise itself to ensure that it serves the road users to their satisfaction.
Col. Kaunda said the issue of the Zambia Police traffic section is a management issue which will be dealt with in the shortest possible time.
He explained that government was doing everything possible to root out corruption in the Zambia Police traffic section in order to bring sanity.
Col. Kaunda said the few corrupt individuals at the ZP Traffic Section will be flashed out of the service because they are there to serve the people of Zambia professionally.
Some concerned stakeholders have been advocating for the disbandment of the ZP Traffic section so that the mandate remained with RTSA which is viewed to be discharging its duties professionally to regulate the road sector.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

"Seleni Tubombeko," President Lungu toasts PF victory

LUSAKA (Tuesday, April 15, 2015) — His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia has commended Patriotic Front supporters for the remarkable campaign that has delivered all the three parliamentary by- elections and 10 out of the 21 local government seats during the April 14 polls. President Lungu says the PF and the opposition parties who participated in the just ended polls have set the democratic bar very high and shamed perpetrators of violence by showing that political competition does not mean enmity. “Zambians can be proud of themselves for going about their political differences peacefully. This campaign will always remind us that co-existence in diversity is possible,” President Lungu said. “The outcome of the polls has shamed politicians who have invested in violence and sectionalism. In any viable electoral democracy, the currency of political exchange should always be free and fair elections. It is the only legitimate platform of competition through the ballot and not violence or hate speech.” “In congratulating the gallant members of our great party, the PF, I wish to also commend the UPND for their formidable fight to try and win the elections. It is therefore necessary to emphasize that those parties wallowing in decidedly partisan opinion polls and hate commentary in some newspapers must be challenged to participate in elections so that we can together strengthen our democracy and allow our people to pass judgment on us,” he said.

PF popularity growing-Kapata

PF Mandevu Member of Parliament Jean Kapata has observed that Zambian people still have confidence in the ruling party because it has continued to fulfill its promises.

Ms. Kapata, who is also Tourism and Arts Minister, thanked the people of Chawama, Masaiti and Senga Hill constituencies for electing Patriotic Front (PF) candidates in yesterday's parliamentary by-elections.

She told the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Lusaka today that the victory, which the PF registered, was an indication that the ruling party’s popularity was growing not only in the three constituencies but in the rest of the country.

How to Increase Breast Size Safely and Naturally at Home

How to Increase Breast Size Safely and Naturally at Home
By DR Derek Kalimamukwento
IT is obvious that the most attractive and appealing body parts of a woman are breasts or boobs, then buttock. Owning attractive breasts with ideal size will help you become appealing and beautiful in front of men. However, not all women have attractive breasts; just a few lucky women are born to have great shape of breasts without investing much effort on boosting bust. If you are not lucky like those women are, you may not feel happy with the total curve. However, there is still hope for you to boost your bust. There are several ways that you can use to enhance breast size naturally and safely at home without side effects!

Police warning for Wedding and Funeral processions

THE Zambia Police service has warned the public using vehicles during processions such as weddings and funerals to follow road traffic rules and regulations.
Zambia Police public relations officer Charity Munganga Chanda said bridal parties should desist from the culture of sitting on car windows, standing up through sunroofs as it makes drivers not to be in full control of the vehicles. 
“This also obstructs other road users as well as endangering peoples’ lives,” Ms Chanda said.

UPND popularity surges – HH

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema writes; 
We would like to start by thanking all UPND supporters and party members who worked hard throughout this by-election campaign. Your energy and dedication is greatly appreciated. In these by-elections we have once again demonstrated that the UPND is providing the only major opposition to the current PF Government. The inroads we have made into Eastern Province and our strong performance in the Senga Hill parliamentary by-election also provide further evidence that the UPND’s popularity continues to surge across the length and breadth of the country.
We would also like to congratulate the wining candidates and appeal to them to serve the public’s interest at all times, putting aside selfish or personal interests. However, it would seem that voter apathy was once more the real winner yesterday, with low turnouts recorded. Just 15% of registered voters are reported to have turned out in the Chawama parliamentary by-election.

PF scores hat-trick

THE ruling Patriotic Front (PF)  has scooped the Chawama and Masaiti parliamentary by election and is enjoying a commanding lead in the Senga Hill by election.
In Chawama, PF candidate Lawrence Sichalwe was declared winner after polling 7, 502 while UPND’s Charles Kaselwa got 3, 219.
Returning officer Hellen Mubita this morning declared the results of the election this morning.
Meanwhile, newly elected Chawama MP Lawrence Sichalwe said he will continue with the development programs left behind by President Edgar Lungu who was area Mp becoming he was elected republican President.
And PF campaign manager for the Chawama bye election Miles Sampa was overjoyed with the victory.
From Masaiti, Hot FM staffer Logic Lukwanda reports that PF’s Michael Katambo polled 5032 votes against his closest rival Peter Mumba of the UPND who managed 2150 votes while independent candidate Lyton Mokola was third with 41 votes.

VEEP calls for transparency in relief maize distribution

VICE President Inonge Wina has called for transparency in the distribution of relief maize.
The Vice President has also warned that segregation should not be entertained in the distribution of relief maize as everyone must benefit from the exercise.
The Vice President was speaking during a rally held at Nasilimwe Primary School in Nalolo District of the Western Province on Tuesday.
And Mrs Wina added that there is need for crop diversification due to climate change adding that people should not depend on maize alone but grow other crops as well that could sustain their livelihood.
 And in another development Community Development Mother and Child Health Minister Emerine Kabanshi said government is determined to improve the living standards of the vulnerable in society especially those living in rural areas through the social cash transfer scheme.

President Lungu appoints Justice Chulu as ECZ chairperson

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has  appointed Esau Chulu as chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) subject to ratification by the National Assembly.
President Lungu has also appointed Emily Sikazwe and David Matongo as commissioners for the ECZ subject to ratification by the National Assembly.
Justice Chulu is currently serving as a commissioner at the ECZ.
He will replace Justice Ireen Mambilima who is now Chief Justice while Ms. Sikazwe will replace the late Mineva Tembo and Mr. Matongo will fill the vacancy to be left by Justice Chulu.
Meanwhile, the President has also reappointed Patrick Mvunga as chairperson of the Judicial Complaints Authority with Justice Christopher Mushabati and Lusaka lawyer Mwangala Zaloumis to continue as members.

Tuesday 14 April 2015


LUSAKA (Monday, April 13, 2015) — Cabinet has today approved changes to
the Mineral Royalty Tax regime and His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu,
President of the Republic of Zambia directed ministers to bring to Cabinet
next Monday details to be presented to Parliament for approval.

This follows extensive consultations with the mining industry in the light of
significant changes in the fundamental assumptions upon which the law was
based and the sudden fall in the price of copper on the international market.
The budget approved by Parliament had the assumption that the price of copper was going to be US$6,780 per tonne but this has reduced to US$5,665 representing a reduction of $1,115. Production, which was also assumed to likely, stay at a peak of 959,696 tonnes has since dropped to 839,000 tonnes representing a drop by 130,696 tonnes.

Monday 13 April 2015

Government says it is committed to provide clean water

A family spotted fetching water at a stream in Mporokoso district in Northern province
Lusaka, April 11, 2015, ZANIS---Government has said that it is doing everything possible to provide clean and safe drinking water and better sanitation services to the general public.
Minister of Local Government and Housing John Phiri said government has since increased budgetary allocation to the sector due to the significant contribution it makes towards attaining sustainable socio-economic development of the country.
Dr Phiri said this last night when he launched the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) 2014 Urban and Peri-Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector report in Lusaka.
He noted that the launch of the NWASCO report served as a reminder that water sector reform s have come of age in Zambia and sufficient results must be produced to meet the growing demands of the people.

Sex workers shun skills, return to industry

Commercial Sex Workers working with THASINTA in Mkushi and Luano Districts are shunning skills related jobs in preference to the sex industry.
The sex workers are said to be showing no desire to abandon their sex trade saying it gives them quick money to sustain their welfare as opposed to skills such as tailoring which take long for them to earn money.
THASINTA Coordinator for Mkushi and Luano Districts Agness Ng’andu disclosed the development to ZANIS in an interview in Mkushi District.
Mrs Nkandu said her organisation has in the last 12 months encountered setbacks in its efforts to facilitate and provide alternative livelihood to Sex Workers.
She charged that the development if left unchecked and resolved will affect the reform programme and jeopardise efforts made in combating HIV and AIDS.
Mrs Ng’andu explained that her organisation had invested heavily in procuring several sewing machines which are presently not being utilised.

Early Childhood Education needs to be promoted

GOVERNMENT has introduced Early Childhood Education in all primary schools in Zambia. Above are pictures of children at Kafwanka village in Milenge district. While their colleagues attend classes at Kafwanka primary school, others are seen by the roadside because their parents could not afford to pay a K 20 to access the service. The K 20 is charged termly.